Apr 1 2025

Call for Application for Erasmus+ University of Almeria (UAL)

About the Erasmus+ Program

Erasmus+ offers opportunities for students and staff to study and teach in higher education institutions (HEIs) beyond Europe. It also makes the same opportunities available for students and staff from countries beyond Europe, to come to participating HEIs in Europe. This is known as International Credit Mobility (ICM) and this is an activity under Key Action 1 (KA107).

General Information

This call for application is made in accordance with the framework of Erasmus + Key Action 1 Mobility Projects in the Field of Education, Training and Youth between Program and Partner Countries. This action aims to contribute to the cooperation between the EU and eligible Partner Countries and reflects the EU external action objectives, priorities and principles.

This Erasmus+ Action 1 project between the University of Almeria (UAL) and Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) provides an opportunity for international relations officers and teaching staff to spend one week at University of Almeria (UAL) and receiving a grant as a contribution to their costs for travel and subsistence.

Applicants are expected to carefully read all the information before proceeding to fulfill and submit their applications.

Type of Mobility, Number of Grants, Duration and Deadline

Under this Mobility and for this call, three TUMS academic staff and international relations officers are able to teach/be trained at University of Almeria (UAL) for 4 days. After the mobility phase, they return to TUMS.

International relations staff can join UAL International staff week from 8th to 12th of May while teaching staff could attend this mobility before May.

The deadline for submission of the documents to the Directorate of International Relations is February 24th 2023.

 All TUMS academic staff and international relations officers are welcome to apply for this position. Please check the University of Almeria’s website to know about the possible areas of teaching for this mobility.

Please pay attention to the following points.

  1. Number of mobilities offered: 3 staff mobilities for teaching and training

  2. Duration of mobility: 4 activity days + 2 travel days.

  3. Selected staff members will need to fill in a Mobility Agreement


Mobility staff will receive a grant as a contribution to their costs for travel and subsistence during the period of stay and an amount to support them in covering their travel costs. Each grant will be financed as follows:

  • Individual support: 160€ per day for 4 days of activity and 2 days of travel. Activity days cannot coincide with travel days

  • Travel expenses: will be calculated according to the distance.

Admission Requirements:

Applicants should submit their CV,  work plan (teaching staff only) and motivation letter (administrative staff only) to the TUMS Directorate of International Relations through dira_gsia@tums.ac.ir.

Please contact TUMS Directorate of International Relations should you require further information.

Email: dira_gsia@tums.ac.ir

Tel: 21 8880 0332

key words
Dr. Sadegh Khodavaisy

Dr. Sadegh Khodavaisy


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